Ready to apply for the 2024-25 school year? Click here for parishioner tuition discount info.

Ready to apply to our school? CLICK HERE
Are you an active parishioner? Please read this letter from Fr. Carlos if you are interested in the parishioner tuition discount before applying:
February, 2024
Dear Parents,
I would like to remind you that parents who are actively engaged in our church are offered a tuition discount. When parents participate in supporting the spiritual life of their child(ren) by example, they deepen their own faith. Our mission as a parish is to bring people closer to Jesus Christ. The tuition discount is meant to be a benefit to those who join us in doing so. I hope this helps you to better understand what we expect of our parishioners:
An active parish family is defined as being registered with St. Josaphat Church for one year or longer and contributing time, talent, and treasure. These contributions are understood as attending Mass each weekend with your children, volunteering to the ministries of the church, and contributing a minimum of $1,200 annually to the financial support of St. Josaphat Church.
So, what does that mean? For starters, make sure you have registered as a parishioner with our church. Sometimes parents are surprised to learn that although they have been attending and donating regularly to our church for years, and are first responders to our volunteer needs… they never actually registered as parishioners! Please consider this your reminder to register if you have not already done so. It is our only way to track your participation.
Are you attending Mass regularly with your child(ren)? It’s never too late to start. I’d love to see you each weekend!
Volunteering is at the heart of our ability to serve the ministries of our church. Although the school—and thereby the catechism and catholic faith formation of our community's children—could be considered the largest ministry of our parish, we must remember it is not our only ministry; as parishioners, we have a duty to serve all of the church's ministries. This is distinct from the volunteering you may be asked to participate in at the school. We have many opportunities for you to lend your talent and time and if you need help finding an opportunity that works for you, I would encourage you to subscribe to our weekly newsletter JosaFAST where we highlight some of our most needed opportunities or browse the parish website under the “Serve” menu. Check out our Hands of Mercy outreach ministries - one of our most popular opportunities is with Don's Helping Hands, where you can make sandwiches at home and drop them off to feed our hungry guests. Our liturgical ministries offer Lector and Eucharistic Minister training throughout the year, and we always need Altar Servers and choir members. Our Faith Formation ministry is looking for Catechists and our Evangelization ministry (I highly recommend you try Alpha if you haven’t already) needs volunteers - no prior training is necessary. Our parish committees and councils welcome members with expertise in areas vital to the operations of our church. And we like to think we are fun to work with!
Finally, we are often overwhelmed by your generous donations to our school, teacher retention and bonus funds, PTO events, and other school-specific fundraisers! These benefit our student experience immeasurably, but it is your annual financial contribution of $1,200 or more directly to our church offertory that supports our parish operations and ministries. There are many ways to donate listed under the Stewardship section in the “Give” menu on our parish website, including electronic giving at . If your family faces financial challenges that make it difficult to donate, just let the school office know and they can help you apply for financial aid.
If you have any questions about your parishioner status, please reach out to us at the parish office any time.
In Christ,
Fr. Carlos Rodriguez